ROCKY the Shop Dog
ROCKY the Shop Dog - Quite Possibly the Reason You Shop for Corvette Parts Here
Honestly, Rocky may be the reason you are reading this very post. About 15 years ago I decided I had enough of the corporate world and decided to do what I do - for myself and my family - instead of for "The Man". Pretty much the only entity on the planet that thought opening CCA was a good idea (other than me) was Rocky. Now don't get me wrong, my wife and family were very very supportive and sacrificed a lot along the way, but 14 years later I think we can be honest and say the only ones that really thought it was a good idea was me and Rocky.
From the very first kindergarten quality website we launched, to the state of the art, integrated, multi level platform website you see today, Rocky was there. He has been there for the ups and downs, the successes and the failures, the sleepless nights and each and every milestone and celebration. He is getting up there, 100+ in human years, but he is still going strong.
Many of you have asked for an update, so here it is. He is doing well, he is old as dirt, but he still enjoys each and every day, especially when he gets to hang out with Corvettes. He has had bad dog joints for over a decade, and they are getting progressively worse, but he still gets up on his own and gets excited every time he hears a Corvette. He spends much more time at home these days, but he is still a legend around town and up and down the east coast of the US. We continue to get many inquires as to how Rocky is doing and I am please to tell you that he is happy and healthy for his age. He remains a cornerstone of Custom Corvette Accessories, from it's inception and on indefinably into the future.
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